Waze Immigration

LMIA Work Permits

A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document required by IRCC prior to bringing in a foreign worker into Canada. These programs allow Canadian employers to hire temporary workers to fill short-term labour shortages.

A positive LMIA, also known as a confirmation letter, will establish that there is a demand/need for a foreign worker to fill the job in question. A Positive LMIA shows that no Canadian worker is available to perform the job.

Once an employer obtains an LMIA, the foreign temporary worker can then apply for a work permit which will be valid for a year.

There are shorter processing times (10 days) available for highest-demand, highest paid and shortest duration occupations, i.e. skilled trades within top 10% of pay bracket and for positions that are less than 120 days.

The LMIA process is different depending on whether the employee is “high-wage” or “low-wage”.

Foreign workers being paid under the provincial/territorial median wage are considered low-wage, while those being paid at or above are considered high-wage.

Depending on whether the employee is classified as high-wage or low-wage, requirements differ.

Contact us for more information and to determine which program you are eligible for.

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